Best Practice Tips for Water Testing

Palintest photometers are designed for simplicity and are suitable for all users. If the instructions and test method is followed as specified, and Palintest reagents are used, you can be confident in your photometer readings. We have outlined some key tips to ensure you are getting the most from your photometer.

Reagents and Method

It is important to always follow the method, used with the correct reagents, as stated in the instructions.
Only Palintest reagents should be used with Palintest photometers. We can only guarantee the results obtained from Palintest products will be within our stated accuracy ranges if the testing is carried out using Palintest reagents, as our photometers are calibrated based on our reagent formulations. For example, while DPD indicator remains constant in all DPD reagents, the exact formulation and amount used will vary between brands and therefore results will not always be comparable.

  • As mentioned above, always use genuine Palintest reagents, as reagents are formulated specifically for Palintest instruments and instrument calibrations are based on Palintest reagents
  • Reagent tablets must be fully dissolved before a result is read
  • Test reagents must be used within the best before date.
  • Always use genuine Palintest reagents. Reagents are formulated specifically for Palintest instruments and instrument calibrations are based on Palintest reagents.
  • Dilution can be used to bring results that are above the range of the test back into range.
  • Always follow the test method as specified and respect the reaction time required.
  • If deposits or bubbles form, leave the sample for a few minutes to clear unless the test is time specific. Bubbles can usually be cleared by using a crushing rod or by gently tapping the side of the sample tube.
  • Always ‘blank’ your instrument using a test tube of your sample water without any reagents.

Instrument and Equipment Maintenance

Photometers work by measuring the amount of light that makes it through a sample to the detector. Any dirt, water marks or fingerprints on the instrument optics or test tubes will affect the light path through the sample, meaning cleaning and maintenance of your photometer is critical for ensuring the longevity of your instrument life.

  • Clean the optical area of the instrument carefully with a solvent-free anti-static foam and lint free cloth.
  • Testing equipment should be kept clean with no water marks, fingerprints, scratches, or stains. Preferably test equipment should be rinsed with distilled water after and prior to use.
  • Discard any discoloured crush rods or stained test tubes as these can be a source of cross contamination.

Check Standards

Photometer check standards can be used to verify that your instrument is operating within range.

  • Check standard should be used regularly to check instrument performance.
  • Check standards must be used within date. Please note this only applies to liquid check standards.

Water Testing using Palintest’s Sensor Technology

Kemio uses a sophisticated electrochemical technique but for the user the measurement becomes as simple as possible through its easy 4-step method. Here we have listed some best practice tips to ensure your measurement results are always as accurate and reliable as possible.

  • Clean the sensor contacts down with an alcohol wipe often, ensuring they are completely clean and dry.
  • Never touch the dosed half of a sensor. Twist and tear the short side of the packet from the sensor and hold the dosed side through the foil packet when inserting it into the instrument.
  • Ensure the sensor is fully inserted into the instrument. Push it all the way in using the edges of the sensor only.
  • Ensure the water sample is within the temperature range of the test. The temperature ranges are mentioned in the test instructions and Kemio will report an error message when the water sample is either too hot or too cold.
  • Always take the measurement as soon as possible after sample collection.
  • Sensors can be stored at around room temperature ~ 20 °C for less than one year but need to be kept refrigerated (<4 °C) to achieve maximum shelf life for over a year.
  • Make sure to keep the instrument on a level surface free from vibrations.

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