Cooling Towers

Cooling towers require high-quality water to prevent microbial growth and corrosion, which can lead to system failures and health risks. Any buildings circulating water for cooling and heating systems will include treatment to reduce scale and corrosion. Redistributed mains water and hot water in such buildings is also often dosed with chlorine dioxide for preventing legionella.

Palintest’s water testing kits offer simple, on-site water testing solutions, providing immediate, actionable results without needing specialised training. These kits are vital for ensuring safe and efficient cooling tower operations.

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Case Study

Industrial Waste Water

At wastewater treatment facilities, a variety of parameters are routinely tested to confirm the efficacy of treatment stages so that the final effluent is within compliance before it is discharged to the environment. This monitoring is essential for regulatory compliance and ensuring the smooth operation of treatment plants.

Our products and services are engineered to deliver reliable and precise results, aiding in reducing downtime in the treatment process and enhancing overall efficiency at treatment plants.

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Case Study

Process Water Testing

In industrial processes, water quality is crucial to ensure efficient and safe operations. Heavier industries, like manufacturing and plating, often use flocculation and settling processes to clean up their effluent streams. They may test to ensure that metals have been removed and oxygen demand is low enough for safe discharge.
Palintest’s water testing solutions offer simple, on-site water testing solutions, providing immediate, actionable results without needing scientific expertise. These kits are essential for maintaining process efficiency and safety.

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Case Study

Renal Water Application

In renal dialysis, water quality is critical to patient safety and compliance with ISO standards. Testing is done to confirm that chlorine or chloramines present in mains water have been completely removed. Healthcare facilities and renal dialysis centres work to ensure that water used in dialysis is free from contaminants and safe for use.

With Kemio technology, hospital staff and nurses can simply test total chlorine levels in under a minute, saving valuable time in their busy schedules. Kemio ensures precise and dependable results every time at the lowest concentrations to ensure the absence of contamination in water.

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