Preventing Lead Contamination in Schools

The Palintest USA team were in Canada back in 2020 training 250 people to use our Kemio™ Heavy Metals to identify drinking water contaminated with lead in local schools. Kemio™ will detect lead contamination in 3 minutes, enabling the school to close off any affected water supply. This will help protect the lives of thousands of children across the region.

The dangers of lead in drinking water

Highly toxic to humans, and in particular children, drinking water contaminated with even a small amount of lead over a prolonged period can be toxic. In 2019, new guidelines were released by Health Canada with a drinking water target of below 5 µg/L, with the Kemio Heavy Metals instrument detecting contamination of lead as low 1 µg/L.

Using Kemio™ Technology to safeguard drinking water in schools

The Palintest USA team, worked alongside their local agent from Atera Enviro, to train a wide range of school board professionals. With no laboratory or chemistry training required, Kemio™ Heavy Metals is truly simple to use, delivering reliable results in 3 minutes.

Palintest’s sensor technology uses DS-ASV, is approved under EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method 1001, Rev. 1.1, providing results for lead contamination down to 1 µg/L.

See for yourself by watching our short instructional video below, or for our full range of videos, visit our YouTube channel.

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