Potakit+ Portable Water Quality Laboratory

The second in our series about Wagtech kits. Today we focus on the Potakit+ which enables users to ensure that water supplies are suitable for longer-term use. In addition, they are used in development situations and to increase local water-provision capacity.

The Potakit+ Portable Water Quality Laboratory builds on the capabilities of the Potatest+ kit.It includes the same components for testing indicator bacteria for faecal contamination, and simple tests for turbidity, pH and chlorine. Further to this, the Potakit contains simple visual tests for a number of common and key chemical contaminants.

Health effects of naturally occurring or contaminant chemicals

The Potakit includes tests for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, fluoride and arsenic.   These chemicals are often present in well and surface water, either naturally occurring or from anthropogenic sources.  Long-term exposure to these can result in serious health problems:

  • Arsenic occurs naturally, due to geologic conditions (in Bangladesh, Nepal, and many other areas). Long-term exposure to arsenicvia drinking water can lead to skin problems, circulatory diseases and skin, bladder, kidney and lung cancers.
  • Fluoride occurs naturally in fluoride belts at the foot of high mountains. It causesfluorosis which causes tooth defects in children (dental fluorosis) and stiffness and pain in the joints (skeletal fluorosis)
  • Nitrate and Nitrite occur in water most often as a consequence of fertiliser use. Nitrate causes defects in haemoglobin production especially in children (methaemoglobinaemia or ‘blue baby syndrome’). It can also have carcinogenic effects and cause birth defects.  Nitrite causes similar issues as it is readily converted to Nitrate or Nitrosamines.
  • Ammonia can cause gastrointestinal problems and is also a concern if the water is to be chlorinated as chloramines can form from the reaction of chlorine and ammonia. Some chloramines can cause respiratory issues.  Vulnerable groups including pregnant woman and infants may be more susceptible to chloramines.

The Potakit therefore, also includes tests for free and total chlorine for monitoring the effectiveness of chlorination and controlling the levels of chloramines.

Visual testing for chemical contaminants in water

The Potakit+ uses two visual methods of testing for chemical contaminants.

Contour Comparator

The Contour Comparator method is used by adding tablet reagents to the water sample which generate a colour, if the target chemical is present.  This colour is proportional to the amount of this chemical present.

The value for concentration of this chemical is determined by matching the colour in the solution to a colour-wheel, which has a number of calibrated colour petals.

The Contour Comparator provides a simple but accurate  way to compare the colour in the solution with the petals of the colour wheel and read off the result.

This method of testing was pioneered by Palintest founder Dr Tom Palin in the 1940s and 1950s and gives remarkable accuracy in the field from a robust,

VCDK Arsenic Kit

The VCDK Arsenic testing kit uses the Gutzeit method to convert total arsenic in the sample to arsine gas.  This then reacts with an indicator paper in a black holder that changes to a range of colours from yellow to brown.  This colour is matched against a comparison chart to read the result

The Potakit enables users to ensure that water supplies are suitable for longer-term use by populations, and are used in development situations and to increase local water-provision capacity.

For more information, visit the product page or contact a member of our team.

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